Call for submission >> earS100 : Tribute to Elvifrance

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Call for submission >> earS100 : Tribute to Elvifrance

Message par Le K. »

Call for submission >> earS100 : Tribute to Elvifrance >> deadline August 15th 2020

Elvifrance was a French comic book publisher, specialised in digest-sized publications, often translations from Italian fumetti. Edited by Georges Bielec (October 21, 1936 – July 1993), founded in 1970 and owned by Giorgio Cavedon and Renzo Barbieri of Erregi. It ceased publication in 1992.

From 1970 to 1992, Elvifrance flooded French newsstands with obscene, violent, disgusting, scandalous comics… More than 4000 pocket-sized comic books were translated from the Italian, including the famous Luciféra, Jacula, Zara, Sam Bot, Isabella, Jungla, Incube, Electrochoc, Terror, Outre-Tombe, Terrificolor, Prolo, Mortimer, Hitler, Wallestein, Zordon… French censorship authorities prohibited and prosecuted the Press' and its owner, Elvifrance amassed hundreds lawsuits and bans.

Earsheltering is a french netlabel focusing on outsize musics and a collaborative place for free synaesthete artists since 2004.

earsheltering will celebrate its 100th release and 16th anniversary in 2020 with a various artists release as a tribute to Elvifrance. We are also happy to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Elvifrance with this release.

Idea and guideline for track creation is simple, just refer to an Elvifrance publication : a serie or a specific book.

Suggestion for track naming:
SERIE ROUGE N°65 "l'icone ensanglantée" or SERIE ROUGE INCUBE N°4 "grand guignol" or INCUBE etc...or as you want...

No limitation about style as usual, duration is expected to be less than 10 min but this point can be discussed if needed track should be send as wave format by wetransfert for example or other easy way to share file.

The release will be released at least as a free download release on and Bandcamp.

VISUAL ARTS are welcome too.

Deadline for submisssion is August 15th
3patttes(at) / planetaldol(at)
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